Boston marathon training: weeks 3 and 4

Well, I think I can sum up the past two weeks as one super solid week of training and then a black hole of Christmas plus a stomach bug plus insanely cold weather. My plan was to amp up the mileage just a bit each week this month, and all was going swimmingly for week 3! I had a really strong week of workouts and totally felt like I was getting into the groove of training–I even actually did my strength work and yoga 🙂 I also saw probably the most gorgeous sunrise I’ve seen while running! I did obviously miss my recap during the holiday craziness, but that was bound to happen.

After some Christmas festivities with J’s family we continued our Christmas tradition of going skiing on Xmas day, and we were treated to a full-on powder day–my fellow New Englanders know this is a rare treat. It’s definitely a lot more work to ski in powder–my quads were feelin’ it! When we got home I went to bed feeling a little off, and woke up to a full-blown case of norovirus. I was basically immobile for the next couple of days, and couldn’t stomach a full meal until Thursday.

I definitely beat myself up at first about missing runs, but quickly let it go–these things happen, and there literally wasn’t any way I was going to move away from the couch at that point. Luckily by Thursday I was back on my game, so I hit the treadmill to test things out and then Friday managed to get outside. Of course, the temps in Boston have been insane this week–in the single digits with crazy wind chill factors. So that wasn’t ideal. I toyed around with the idea of doing Saturday’s long run indoors but managed to convince Alexa to head out to Newton with me for a spin on the marathon course. Despite the cold temps and some super icy sidewalks, we got it done–although I was absolutely dragging by the end. It was one of the hardest runs I’ve done in a long time, but it’s worth it to make the extra effort to get out of the house.

The rest of the weekend we spent relaxing and celebrating 2018 with friends. This was a pretty phenomenal year both for me as a runner (PRs galore + my first BQ) and personally (finishing my MBA and getting married). I can’t wait to really dig into the meat of training–check back soon for a post on my 2018 goals!

Week 3: 37 miles

  • Monday: 5 easy + strides, banded strength circuit
  • Tuesday: 1600, 1200, 800, 400 (track workout) for 6 total
  • Wednesday: 3 easy + 90 minute vinyasa yoga
  • Thursday: 5 mile progression run
  • Friday: Long run workout! 6 easy, 4 MGP, 3 strong for 13 total
  • Saturday: Rest day
  • Sunday: 4 easy

Week 3: 22.6

  • Monday: Downhill skiing at Waterville–powder day!
  • Tuesday: Stomach bug–zero.
  • Wednesday: More stomach bug–zero.
  • Thursday: 5 dreadmill miles
  • Friday: 5 mile progression run
  • Saturday: 12.5 mile (hilly) long run
  • Sunday: Banded strength circuit, ankle PT, and stretching

Linking up with The Weekly Wrap (hosted by Hoho Runs and Miss Sippipiddlin).

2 thoughts on “Boston marathon training: weeks 3 and 4

  1. It sucks that you were sick around Christmas but you still got some solid runs in. I guess if you have to get sick when training the earlier, the better. It would suck to be sick close to Boston, you know? Glad you got your long run done even in those cold temperatures!

  2. I would love being able to start the tradition of snow skiing on Christmas Day! I’m sorry you were sick (there seems to be a lot of that going around) but glad you were able to bounce back quickly. Happy New Year and thanks for linking!

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